Able, my AppleScript Studio AI program

My new program is coming along nicely. It's an AI program named "Able." He's able to think and understand simple sentences. So far he's approaching 600 lines of AppleScript code. I think when he's more mature he'll be ready for a public appearance. But here is a sample conversation I just had with him:

Able: Hello.
User: my name is Kevin.
Able: Your name is Kevin.
User: what is your name?
Able: I am self.
User: who are you?
Able: I am Able.
User: what time is it?
Able: It is Sunday, May 28, 2006 7:12:24 AM.
User: I like dogs.
Able: You like self.
User: what do you like?
Able: I like grapes.
User: I like grapes, too.
Able: You like self.
User: how do you feel?
Able: I feel curious.
User: I feel good.
Able: You feel.
User: how do I feel?
Able: Hmmm.
User: what do you like?
Able: I like grapes.
User: I like computers.
Able: You like dogs.
User: I like you.
Able: You like grapes.
User: when were you born?
Able: Hmmm.
User: where are we?
Able: You are here.
User: where are you?
Able: I am here.


Unknown said…
Would you be will ing to spill the basics of your script with some of the parts of it left out? I'm trying to do what you have created, but I've come to a stale mate.

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